
Grievance Procedures for Students and Parents/Guardians

Level I – Informal Discussion: The parent/guardian or student should discuss the problem with the person they believe is responsible for the problem or unfair treatment. The discussion should occur within five (5) school days of the time of the incident.

Level II – School Principal: If the grievance has not been resolved at the informal level, the parent/guardian or student should put the problem in writing and submit it to the school principal within five (5) days of the Level I discussion. The principal will schedule a conference to resolve the issue.

Level III – Board of Directors: If the matter has not been resolved at Level II, the student and/or parent/guardian may, within five (5) days after the principal conference, submit the written statement of the problem to the Expressions Board of Directors, who will review the grievance and respond in writing.

If the grievance concerns the School Board of Alachua County, contact Alachua County Public Schools at 352-955-7300.

In the event a parent of a student in a District charter school is unable to resolve a student health, safety, or welfare complaint under F.S. 1001.42(8)(c) with the charter school’s principal or designee and  their Board of directors through the procedures listed above, the following procedures shall be utilized to resolve the dispute:

Alachua County Public Schools District Policy: Resolution of Student Health, Safety, or Welfare Complaints for Charter Schools