Code of Conduct

The Expressions Way

Respect for people and property is of the utmost importance to Expressions. Students, parents and school staff need to work together to uphold this respect. The backbone of our code of conduct can be found in the following rules, which can be applied to almost any behavior:

Treat everyone with kindness, courtesy, and respect.

Examples: Use the “Golden Rule” (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.) Be gentle with one another. Don’t express anger or upset feelings in a way that insults or threatens someone else. There is no place in our school for verbal put-downs, teasing, or harassment.

Respect authority.

Examples: Students must comply with the teacher’s directions. Other staff members or parents may ask students to follow directions, and children must listen. Do not leave your teacher’s supervision without permission.

Respect the property of others.

Examples: Do not damage or take other people’s things. If you accidentally lose or break something, replace it without a fuss. Do your part in helping to maintain cleanliness and order in our school.

Act in a way that does not interfere with the rights of others and is not harmful to the health and safety of others.

Examples: We will not tolerate any irresponsible or dangerous behavior, acts of violence, threats of violence, or verbal abuse directed at anyone. Every child must be safe, so no one is allowed to fight, push, trip, or use any aggressive behavior. Disrupting class disturbs other children who are trying to learn.

Avoid conflict by seeking adult help if possible.

Example: If someone hurts you, either emotionally or physically, stop, walk away, and find an adult to help you. Report the incident to an adult school employee as soon as possible.

Any student who repeatedly breaks these rules, or who on even one occasion endangers the health and safety of others, may be asked to leave the school by the principal. The principal reserves the right to require withdrawal of any child if the teachers, administrators, and directors determine that the Expressions environment is not a good placement or does not met the needs of a particular child as demonstrated by that child’s continued misbehavior or repeated violations of school or classroom rules.

Level I Discipline

Level I offenses are minor acts of misconduct which interfere with orderly classroom procedures, school functions, extracurricular programs or a students learning process. Examples are: dress code violations, abusive language, classroom disruptions, harassment, unsafe acts, defiance, computer misuse, cheating, fighting, theft, and vandalism. These offenses are first handled by the teacher or other staff member involved. If additional action is necessary because of continued violation or other concerns, the student will be referred to the principal for appropriate discipline action. The teacher or school administrator after review of the student’s explanation, consultation with other persons involved, and further investigation (when needed) will determine the appropriate disciplinary action needed. Discipline may include a time out, verbal reprimand or warning, withdrawal of privileges, letter of apology, and/or notification of parent.

Level II Discipline

Level II offenses are intermediate acts of misconduct which require administrative intervention, including, but not limited to, repeated minor misconduct and acts directed against persons or property but which do not seriously endanger the health or safety of others. Examples are: repeated Level I offenses, disorderly conduct, trespassing, threats, and intimidation. School support staff and/or community resource agencies may be involved. After review of the student’s explanation, consultation with other persons involved, and further investigation, (when needed) the school administrator will determine appropriate disciplinary action needed. Discipline may include all actions described in Level I, plus detention, behavior contracts, in-school suspension, and notification of parent.

Level III Discipline

Level III offenses are serious acts of misconduct, including, but not limited to, repeated similar misbehavior, serious disruptions of the orderly conduct of the school, threats to health, safety, or property, and other acts of serious misconduct. Examples are: repeated Levels I or II offenses, assault, burglary, battery on a student, battery on personnel, and possession of weapons. These offenses must be reported to the principal and may result in the immediate removal of the student from school. The principal will investigate the behavior and determine appropriate disciplinary action need. Discipline may include all actions described in Levels I and II, plus out-of-school suspension, recommended expulsion, and notification of parent.

This progressive discipline guideline can be used to remove a repeatedly disruptive student from the regular classroom. A student may be removed from class by a teacher for behavior that interferes with the teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with the class, or with the ability of the student’s classmates to learn. Under these circumstances, and subject to federal and state law, the student will not be returned to the teacher’s class without the teacher’s consent. If the teacher withholds consent, a placement review committee will determine the student’s placement. (F.S. 1003.32)


Expressions does not tolerate any bullying or harassment.  Expressions’ Bullying and Harassment Prevention Policy